English Literature and coordinator of European Studies, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Richard Nate is professor of English Literature and coordinator of European Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. In his research, he has focused on the history of utopian and dystopian literature, the relationship between literature and science, and the role of place in European cultural history. His book-length studies include: Wissenschaft und Literatur im England der frühen Neuzeit (2001). Amerikanische Tröume: Die Kultur der Vereinigten Staaten in der Zeit des New Deal (2003), Wissenschaft, Rhetorik und Literatur: Historische Perspektiven (2009), Biologismus und Kulturkritik: Eugenische Diskurse der Moderne (2014), and Norddeutsche Erzählliteratur des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts: Sechs Fallstudien (2020). He has also co-edited volumes on various subjects, most recently Cultural Identities in Europe: Nations and Regions, Migration and Minorities (2014, with Verena Gutsche), Krieg und Frieden im Lied (2017, with Misia Sophia Doms and Bea Klüsener), Remembering Places: Perspectives from Scholarship and the Arts (2019, with Julia Wiedemann), and Europa – Krisen, Vergewisserungen, Visionen: Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen (2020, with Martin Kirschner).